2023-09-20 11:29

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WHO Update Their Advice On Suicide Prevention

The World Health Organisation has update their document entitled Preventing Suicide: A Guide For Professionals which is available to download from the Unionsafety E-Library.

One of the key points made is that we all have a respsonsibility to help prevent suicides.

In the forward of the document, the authors describe the authenticity of this edition of the report:

This is the fourth version of Preventing suicide: a resource for media professionals and is the product of continuing collaboration between the World Health Organization and the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP).

This update represents a link in a long and diverse chain involving a wide range of people and groups – including health professionals, media professionals, educators, social agencies, governments, legislators, social communicators, law enforcers, religious leaders, people with lived experience of suicide, and the families and communities who are committed to suicide prevention.

WHO’s LIVE LIFE: an implementation guide for suicide prevention in countries, further demonstrates the importance of the role of the media in suicide prevention, and is also available to download from the Unionsafety E-Library.

In the forward to this document, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Director-General World Health Organization, writes:

LIVE LIFE recognizes the role that both governments and communities play in implementing actions for suicide prevention. Currently, 38 countries are known to have a national suicide prevention strategy.

While a funded national suicide prevention strategy that includes LIVE LIFE interventions and pillars remains the pinnacle of a government-led response to suicide, the absence of such a strategy should not prevent a country from starting LIVE LIFE implementation.

By implementing LIVE LIFE, countries will be able to build a comprehensive national suicide prevention response.
This guide serves as a catalyst for governments to take evidence-based actions. It enables countries to protect the lives of people who find themselves in severe distress and are at risk of suicide.

But preventing suicide is not the responsibility of governments alone. Each of us has a role to play, watching out for our friends, families and colleagues and offering them our support when we think they might need it. It can make all the difference.

Both documents are available to download from the 'Mental Health' category of the E-Library.

Source: World Health Organisation

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